If you are dealing with cracked, decayed, or chipped teeth, you could benefit from CEREC, which creates inlays, onlays, full crowns, and veneers. You can get your CEREC restorations done right here at Downtown Dental LLC in Chicago, IL.
What is CEREC?
CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. It's an advanced dental CAD/CAM dentistry system that has been around for over 30 years and is backed by more than 250 scientific studies confirming it’s tried and tested tooth restoration clinical safety.
Benefits of CEREC
There are many benefits of this advanced technology with some including:
- CAD/CAM technology has been around for over 30 years.
- Outstanding design proposals that are patient-specific due to being able to analyze the complete scan.
- Simple to operate and intuitive user interface.
- Milling and grinding can be done in one machine resulting in more material variety.
How the CEREC Procedure Works
The process of a CEREC restoration is fairly simple. First, one of our Chicago CEREC dentists, Dr. Stuart Pettijohn, DDS or Dr. Gary Palsis, DDS or managing dentist, Dr. Viren Patel, DMD (Managing Dentist) removes any decay from your tooth. They then shape your tooth to prepare it for a digital picture. They spray your tooth with an extremely fine powder and take an image of it with the digital camera. Your tooth will pop up in 3D on their computer screen once the image is captured.
Our dentist designs your restoration right in front of you and mills the restoration once the design is finished. They then place your restoration. The whole procedure takes a little more than an hour.
If you have been considering CEREC restorations, give us a call at 312-782-8862 to set up your consultation and exam or visit www.downtown-dental.com