Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is the term for removing excess gum tissue from the teeth and sculpting the gum line.  Dentists often do this in order to expose more of a tooth and affix a restoration like a crown.  Downtown Dental also offers crown lengthening for cosmetics so that any patient can have their perfect smile.  Our doctors see many patients unhappy with their smiles, and even patients without any damage to their teeth feel like their gums keep them from enjoying their ideal smile. 

Whether a crown lengthening procedure is done for function or aesthetics, it is a simple in-office procedure.  Local anesthetic is used while your dentist removes excess gum tissue with either a scalpel or laser tools.  If gum tissue is being removed for a restoration to fit you may only require tissue to be removed from a couple of teeth.  Some people have more gum tissue than others and it results in a gummy smile, which can be corrected throughout the entire mouth.  The result is a visually pleasing ratio of teeth to gums that creates an even smile!  If you think your smile would benefit from crown lengthening, please contact us.

To learn more about crown lengthening and all the services we provide, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Downtown Dental LLC in Chicago, IL, call 312-782-8862.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is widely used throughout medicine because of how it helps the body heal.  The doctors at Downtown Dental perform bone grafts to strengthen the jaws of patients in need of dental implants.  If a tooth is missing for an extended period of time, the structure of the jaw bone in the area can be compromised.  When a patient needs an implant to replace the tooth, the jaw bone needs to be strong enough to handle the placement of an implant screw.

During a bone graft procedure, our doctors harvest bone material from a healthy location in the patient’s mouth and transfer it to the location that is weakened.  This strengthens the weakened bone, and encourages growth of new bone material as it heals.  The bone graft is then monitored over the course of months, and when the jaw bone has strengthened enough the patient can move forward with receiving an implant and restoring their smile!

To learn more about bone grafting and all the services we provide, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Downtown Dental LLC in Chicago, IL, call 312-782-8862.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


At Downtown Dental, our staff is always being asked by patients about the latest cosmetic solutions available.  There are several methods for whitening or straightening teeth, but lumineers remain the best way to give your smile a complete cosmetic makeover without undergoing a procedure.

Lumineers are thin shells made of high-quality porcelain that bond directly to the surface of your teeth and look like your natural smile.  To outfit a patient with a full set of lumineers, we begin with taking an impression.  This impression will be used to ensure a perfect fit for your new smile.  Some patients won’t require preparation of the teeth, but depending on your individual case your dentist may want to contour or shave teeth in select places.  This is only done when your dentist sees an area they determine could be a problem to fit the shells on.   A new set of lumineers is fabricated outside the office, and on a final visit they are bonded directly to the surface of your teeth to wear forever!

If you’re ready to makeover your smile or have questions about lumineers, please give us a call!  To learn about all the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Downtown Dental LLC in Chicago, IL, call 312-782-8862.